среда, 8. април 2015.


                             WORD OF TWO OF BEAUTY

Most of Performing Artists, and later most people put silicone in breast and buttocks and inflate lips. Now science has progressed, however, can and do surgical facial surgery. But it's not about physical beauty but that the majority of women unhappy with their outer appearance and how others look (they look like entertainers) I do not even watch your interior. Our opinion is that we should pay a little more attention to its interior because people have become selfish, rude, jealous ... But a lot of people wear all shorter skirts and dresses, shirts with big cleavage, permanent makeup, make some crazy hair and paint their nails and upgraded ... More neglect it they really are, even so, some of them changed the poles, and some become homosexual.Our opinion is that we should all be natural (equal as we are), but also support people who are not. We are all born different and should not make a trade (to strive to be all the same (perfect) - modeled after the other).Where this world's going? Would you be able to answer the question, if the answer exists? : (((

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